Sunday, January 12, 2014

See food, eat food!

If someone asked me to describe my own diet I would respond with, "I am on the See-Food diet." I am not referring to a fish only diet but rather, one that consists of any and every food a person can eat. Being apart of the baseball team here at Western allows me the opportunity to constantly workout, lift, and exercise. My strength coach is constantly telling us to eat as much as we can as often as we can. Knowing I will not go a day without some type of physical activity, I tend to not pay attention to what I eat. I am a huge fan of sweets such as Oreos, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, etc. This sweet tooth of mine could come back to bite me in the rear one day but I tend to not worry about it. I rarely feel guilty about eating poorly knowing that I will end up burning off all of the calories in practice or in the weight room. I would say that my meal schedule is a little out of sync to the eyes of the average person. Breakfast is a rarity for me as I like to catch up on my sleep during the days that I don't have a morning workout. A regular lunch usually consists of a sub from Jimmy Johns or Subway on my way to practice. My class schedule usually runs right up until my practices so I rarely have time to get a full lunch in. I usually try to make up for my lack of eating during dinner. Most of my dinners will consist of some type of meat and vegetable. Rarely will my freezer not have some type of chicken breast or chicken tenders in it. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable, so that usually accompanies my dinner. Knowing that I haven't had a whole lot to eat during the day, I like to make large portions for dinner. The downfall to all of this is what I have to drink. Mountain Dew usually accompanies my dinner. I have heard so many things about how bad this soda is for you but I tend to brush that information to the side. I would like to cut back on the amount of Mountain Dew I have during the week because of how bad it is for me, but that is easier said than done!


  1. I actually felt hungry while reading this. haha
    I suppose it's that sweet tooth of mine acting up as well.
    Oreos are delicious for sure!
    Oh, and I love how your diet is the "see-food" diet. haha nice.

  2. This was a sweet blog post! It was actually really fun to read and interesting haha

  3. IMHO your coaches should be a bit smarter about helping the team develop healthy eating habits -- that can support your weight training, increase your energy and concentration!

  4. wow. Great Blog. I wish someone can tell me to eat "anything" i would just love that!! I dont really work out like that bu your really lucky!!
