Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I will be honest in saying that I have never seen any of the Hungar Games movies or read the books... I'm probably in the minority with that statement. I had a basic idea of the plot behind the story but wasn't quite sure how I would like the book. After reading the first five chapters I'll say that it has my attention. Having the story set in the future kind of reminds me of movies such as I-Robot or I am legend. I was interested in the event of the Hungar Games in which a male and female from each district are essentially thrown into the wild and asked to compete and survive against others from the surrounding districts. I look forward to reading more about the events that unfold in the Hungar games and the lengths that each person is willing to go to survive!


  1. I have seen the movies but havnt read the books. And they are way more detailed than I gave them credit for.

  2. I have not read the book or watched the movie either so that makes two of us. We are a little late because my daughter that's 11 tried to tell me the plot.

  3. I've read the books and watched the movies and I think you'll really enjoy this book... maybe even enough to read the otherrr ones tooo....
