Sunday, February 9, 2014

The idea presented in A Modest Proposal was a bit over the top, but it made me think about the underlying message of what was written. Swift describes the poverty in a part of Ireland and presents what he believes is an honest solution for it. At first glance one sees his idea as being absolutely ridiculous and over the top; but maybe that is the point? If we stop and look around at various parts of the country or the world for that matter, we notice the enormous amount of poverty stricken people. If you're like me, you begin to wonder about the possibly ways in which you could help these people. A Modest Proposal gave me the impression that drastic times call for drastic measures. Of course following the ideas of Jonathan Swift will not apply to the situation in modern times, I simply think you can apply the message behind it to the present day. The poverty around the globe is something that needs to be dealt with and if it means we have to "take off the gloves" to do so, so be it.


  1. I also wonder of what else can be done to help people. I feel like no matter what is being done now, more can always be done.

  2. According to A Modest Proposal, overpopulation is one of the problems. I think that if people become financially smart, they will realize whether or not how many kids they can support. I know this is only a small detail of the big picture, but a little bit helps.

  3. With this proposal you really did have to look hard at what Swift was saying to get that there was an underlying message, and it definitely was a message that still applies to our society today.

  4. I agree with Lyndsie that the overall message still applies. Obviously the solution is not intact, like you said Dan, but people are starving, desperate, and oppressed all the time. This was definitely an interesting read.
