Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Now that I have read the whole book I can say that it had a lot of my attention at times, whereas other parts were not as interesting. I was impressed with the resiliency of Katniss and Peeta throughout the games. The situations that they found themselves in were very tough mentally and physically but they always seemed to keep their cool. I still found myself scratching my head when learning of how the kids killed one another but I guess that is why this book is so unique. I recall the time when the remaining tributes were racing towards the cornucopia to collect backpacks loaded with important items and Thresh saved Katniss by crushing the skull of a girl. Reading about kids killing each other just isn't something that is typical for books. I don't believe I will read any of the other Hunger Games books as I wasn't that impressed with this one but I will say that I really enjoyed portions of it!


  1. I agree with you on how you felt about the book and the way you reacted about it

  2. I agree with you about: "Reading about kids killing each other just isn't something that is typical for books." I definitely didn't think we would be reading about kids killing each other...

  3. By now I'm sure you've found that your prediction from your last post was a good one! Katniss's survival instincts have definitely played a role in her Hunger Games championship. Do you think she was the smartest one in the games? or is there another character you think may have been able to outsmart her?

  4. I read this for the first time as well and really enjoyed it! I found it hard to put it down, I read it in a day!

  5. I completely understand your disliking of the "kids killing each other part." My mom was completely against me or anyone else reading it for that same reason.

  6. I think it's really ironic in a how the book goes deep in depth with violence but also makes a point in addressing how we view violence in our own society. Kind of like how we discussed in class today.
